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Aerial Drone Surveying

Efficient, Precise, and Comprehensive Aerial Surveying


100 McAllister - University of california, Hastings college of the law

For the 100 McAllister project at the University of California, Hastings College of the Law, we conducted a detailed drone survey to visually inspect the existing conditions of the 30-story masonry and terracotta building, which is undergoing renovation and seismic upgrades. The drone inspection was essential in supporting the window replacement process and provided us with a comprehensive view of the building’s existing exterior facade.

Rosicrucian Egyptian/ alchemy Museum

For the Rosecrucian Alchemy Museum project, we conducted a detailed drone survey to visually inspect the existing conditions of the building, which is undergoing renovation. Ferrari-Moe is consulting with the design architect on building waterproofing and the building envelope. The drone survey was crucial in documenting and evaluating the existing conditions, providing us with a comprehensive view of the building’s exterior facade.

195 25th Ave

For the 195 25th Street project, we conducted a detailed drone survey to perform an AB-110 visual inspection of the building. This inspection was essential for assessing the existing conditions of the building's exterior, allowing us to document and evaluate its facade efficiently and precisely without any active work. The drone survey provided a comprehensive view of the building, ensuring a thorough assessment in line with AB-110 requirements.